Jun 23, 2013

An Introduction

Hello blogging world!

My name is Lucy and I'm a wannabe. I dont actually know anything about blogging or even what to blog about. All i know is that i love reading other peoples blogs and all the fun stuff they write about and i strive to be like them. (plus i like doing whats cool.wink) Im actually really excited about this blog because I built it from the ground up! And i know its not perfect yet, but it will slowly get better and better the more I learn! Im very excited:) 

I built the whole blog last night. I'm not sure what got into me at 3am when I couldnt sleep but after reading all my favorite blogs over and over trying to get myself to sleep, I decided I would finally make one! And yes, it took me all night. No, I did not sleep. But i couldn't sleep anyway so at least I did something productive right? Oh, you're wondering {lucy, why in the world were you unable to sleep?} Well you see... I've recently had to stop using a certain lotion on my face that i've been using practically my whole life because I learned it was bad for my skin long term so i've been weaning myself off of it for about a month now. And last night my allergies flared up and my skin got all red and bumpy and it itched. It was awful. (don't laugh) At that it why I couldn't sleep. Strange, I know. I guess I was hoping that if I was up all night to continually put lotion on my face all night that it would get better, but no. Its not better. In fact, its probably worse. And all I can think about it how badly I don't want to leave the house today because that would mean putting makeup on and trying to cover all the redness/bumps up. And either way, its not going to look good. (woaw nelly, slow down with all the ranting. You're going to scare them away on the first post.) Oops... sorry.

Anywho, here i am blogging world. 

Until next time,
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1 comment:

  1. First comment!!!! Holla! Love you girl. Can't wait to hear more from you (even though you are sitting at the table right behind me!)

