Jun 26, 2013

When you dream, dream big:

Part 1:

In case you don't follow me on instagram...or facebook...or twitter... than you probably don't know that a couple weeks ago, I took a spontaneous road trip to paradise! Otherwise known as Nashville. The land of dreams, the mecca of music, the place I will one day call home.

If you know me, you know that I have wanted to go to Nashville for quite some time now. I had dreamed about the neon lights of music row and the magic that the Grand Ole Opry holds, but I wanted so badly to experience for myself.

You can probably guess how I felt about the trip. BEST. DAY. EVERRRRR!!! (you said it in your best tangled voice. I know I did.) In fact, you could often find me saying... I AM NEVER GOING BACKKK!!!

Just a little imagery of how i felt that glorious weekend. I guess it was fun.

We drove about 10 1/2 hours to get there. I drove with my two friends Aubri, and her sister Kait. We had so much fun jamming to old/new country music and making fun of Kait for her hipster music. ;)

Driving across the Tennessee border!
We left Friday morning at about 9:00 and needed to be in Nashville by 9:30 for the Opry show! So This is us after getting ready in the car:) Aweee pritnay!

Luckily we made it on time, and got to make fools out of ourselves by doing all the touristy things like taking pictures of everything in sight and saying things like, "I cannot believe we are here! Oh my gosh!"

The whole group in front of the Grand Ole Opry. Drew, Myself, Aubri, Kait, and my beautiful Mother
 As you can see from the picture, there are a couple more people than I previously told you were on the trip. Let me explain. Rewinnnnnndddd.

On the monday before the trip, I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw a post from the Grand Ole Opry saying that they had just opened a new show that friday where Lauren Alaina, Josh Turner, and Carrie Underwood would be performing. Hold up, CARRIE UNDERWOOD?! I had to go.

I posted on my facebook (semi-jokingly) asking if anyone would want to go with me, and Aubri and Kait both said YES YES YES! So after a little begging, crying, and annoying pleading...my mom agreed to let me go. In fact, it just so happened that she would be meeting my brother in Atlanta that same friday to help him move back to Texas, so they took a small 4 hour detour and met us there! It was truly an adventure:)

I love the Opry...its as magical as it seems on TV. 

To be Continued....

Until next time,
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