Aug 6, 2013

Just Beach-y:

Happy Summer!
For the next two weeks, my family and I are staying in Florida at the beach. It's our third day here and I think I could get used to this. Here are just a few pictures from our first few days here.

 Beach front houses, wouldn't that be amazing? Yeah... i could probably live there. And never ever leave. Like, ever.

 Look at my cute little siblings! Looking into the murky water. haha. The first couple of days the water was a little less than desirable with all of the seaweed washing into shore, but now? Crystal blue. It's B-E-A-UTIFUL! Not that gross green color anymore. I was a little worried at first, I'm not going to lie. But man, its amazing.

Shameless selfie in my old navy beach wear. Plus my whole hand in the hair model thing? It was actually just really windy and my annoying bangs kept blowing into my face. I guess I finally understand why people do it!

And of course, you have to see this sand. Im tellin' you. Sugar. Just gorgeous, white, sugar sand. I could play in it all day. And I do. Until my face begins to burn and I can feel the redness coming on. Then, I have to sit in the shade. BU-mmer.

Come back! I'll have more pic-a-licks. ("pictures" in case you don't understand my made up words) Im off to watch "Storage Wars" with the family and paint my nails. Have a great night!

Until next time,

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