Jan 17, 2014

Day 3: Vocals

Well everyone, there's been a change in format. Since this is all about my music...i decided to post these blogs on my music website instead:) Hope you don't mind;)

Anywhooo, how was y'alls day?? It was a chilly (more like freezing) day here in Nashville. It was nice though because I got to sleep in and catch up on some rest. When we finally woke up, we got ready and went out for breakfast... or should i say lunch. But since it was still breakfast in our minds, we went to a place called Phunky Griddle. It was the cutest little place that serves breakfast and lunch. It was the neatest place. You get to cook your own pancakes on your table! Of course we had to add some chocolate chips and M&M's to ours...So fun! We also each got an egg:)

After breakfast/lunch we headed over to the studio to get started for the day. Today we worked on two songs. We got down lead vocals and harmonies on both, there are still some things we will add but they sound so awesome. Im so so so excited about how they are sounding. Adding harmonies really adds a lot, its pretty amazing.
The process of laying down vocals is pretty fun. So we started by running through the songs about 2 times all the way through and then we would go through and focus on littler sections adding different things to make them better. It was so awesome. It's definitely a process. And sometimes it can be tedious, but i love it. After we have run through the little sections, we go through and do a couple more takes of the whole song all the way through. Brandon called this the victory lap, we actually used quite a bit from those takes. Pretty cool. After the whole song was recorded, I got kicked out of the room so brandon could edit all the good takes together. This took about 30 minutes so i got a bit of homework done. Good girl huh?

This is while listening to one of the songs with all the vocals complete!:)

Heres what a lead sheet looks like, i promised:) The musicians learn the whole song just looking at that!

After the main vocal line is recorded, we get to go in and do background vocals. This was so fun. The vocal guy at the studio, Andrew, is so awesome. He has so many genius ideas for harmonies and cool things to have in the background. I was amazed, and they seriously made the songs sound SO GOOD. Ill say it again, I CANT WAIT FOR YALL TO HEAR THEM!!!!

We finished recording at  about 10 o'clock tonight. It was a long day. But so fun. 

We grabbed some dinner before heading back to the hotel and now were veg-ing. My brain is so exhausted! haha! But i can't wait to work on the others tomorrow! Oh! Lauren Alaina was sitting at the table next to us at dinner! Of course we had to take a creepy stalker pic.

Well, its been another amazing day in nashville! Until tomorrow!:)

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